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Best prices on ZetaChain
ZetaSwap aggregates the best prices across liquidity pools and market makers
Audited By
Symbolic Software

Best Prices
ZetaSwap provides you with the best market prices.
ZetaSwap provides you with the best market prices.
Extensive Coverage
Access a diverse range of assets, including popular and emerging options, for enhanced flexibility in investment strategies
Access a diverse range of popular and emerging assets.
Deep liquidity
Execute large trades with reduced price impact through ZetaSwap’s aggregated deep liquidity
Execute large trades with reduced price impact.
No Slippage
Achieve accurate trade executions by eliminating slippage
Achieve accurate trade executions by eliminating slippage
CEX like price efficiency with a DEX like self-custody
Unique Wallets
Pools aggregated
Aggregating AMMs and PMMs
Unlock the best of both worlds with deep liquidity, extensive asset coverage, and a user-friendly UI across chains